Are you making the most of your iPhone?
There’s, apparently, a new iPhone coming out. No one knows what it’ll be called – the 7 or the 7 Plus or 7 Mini maybe – and no one is even sure when it’s coming out. MacWorld say it could be September 2016 (exactly a year after the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s plus) or perhaps summer 2016. How much will it cost? No one knows the answer to that either. But whatever it costs – the UK’s current best-selling 6 model, the 16GB iPhone 6 retails at around £530 – there’s no doubt that British phone lovers will lap it up. And what is good marketing without a little (or a lot in Apple’s case) tease?
Get into iPhoneography and make more of your phone
But what are you going to do with your current iPhone while you wait? Well, you might as well make the most of it. With quality at 12mp the iphone 6s’ iSight camera provides the best quality images of any iPhone yet, so it makes sense to get to know everything it can do. And anyway, the rumours have it that it’s unlikely it’ll change for the iPhone 7, so the better prepped you are now, the better you’ll be at uploading creative images to your Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat accounts when the 7 comes around.
That means you’ll still be able to count on Live Photo, 4K videos, 12MP images from the main camera and a whopping 5MP from the selfie Face Time cam.
The best camera is the one you have with you
Adorama, a huge US camera retailer, has recently been working on a series all about iPhonegoraphy (the art of using iPhones to take creative images). In the series photographer Nicki Fitzgerald complete a series of tutorials on getting the most out of your iphone as a quality camera. She covers basics, street photography, depth of field, bokeh, shooting macro and also covers useful apps and add-ons that can transform your simple camera into something altogether more special.
Saving all your images to your iCloud library
One of the most useful features of the iPhone 6s is the ability to upload every image directly to your Mac, iPad or iPad mini. What this means is that your images are as safe as houses should you lose your phone or have it stolen. In fact, as long as you’ve got a wifi signal or 4G your phone will update your iCloud with hi res versions of your images so your phone stays clutter free.
But what if you have your phone stolen or lose it?
With CoverCloud’s iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s plus phone and gadget insurance you are only ever a few hours away from a replacement – even if your phone is up to 36 months old. So all you have to do is log in to your social media sites and the iCloud and everything will be there for you, just as if you never lost it.
CoverCloud iPhone 6s insurance starts at just £3.49 per month with a policy excess of £75 (the policy excess is the amount you pay if you need to make a claim).